Custom data extraction
T-rank has a long tradition of providing custom APIs to customers around the world. Since all shareholder power scores and integrated ownership scores are precalculated for the data sets we operate, we are in most use cases able to identify which entities to include in close to zero time.
Some examples of such services:
Sanctioned by extension and other properties derived from ownership
In addition to the algorithms for calculating integrated ownership and voting power, T-rank has developed a number of algorithms for analysing ownership networks in an both effective and efficient way.
An example of such algorithms is a solution for various variants of the “50% rule”, a rule stating that entities owned more than 50% by sanctioned entities are themselves sanctioned by extension. Given that we have the base data, T-rank can identify all companies sanctioned by extension globally in a few minutes (white paper).
Other examples within the sanction landscape:
Examples of other areas where the T-rank algorithms are highly relevant are identification of state-owned entities and classification of companies for state aid / various funding, grants and subsidies regimes.
Analytical services for policy makers
T-rank’s knowledge about who owns who and who controls who globally puts us in a unique position for analysing cross border ownership. Analytical services on top of integrated ownership and shareholder power are useful for understanding the impact of tax treaties, sanction regimes and similar areas.
Examples of data T-rank can provide in cooperation with Moody’s: